Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Aristocrats should help the poors Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Aristocrats should help the poors - shew ExampleI completely agree with this statement since the rich have enough capital to cash in ones chips any crises, in other words their money deposit and storage allows them to do this. But those hatful who depend greatly on their monthly salaries and wages lose everything with their jobs. They have no big deposits as well as no securities capital and that is why crisis struck the poor first of all. But the seed focuses not on the poor but rather on the middle class since it is the main office of the successful economy. It is no way a secret that the world crisis started from the USA, where the fat cats (Herbert ) as the author calls them didnt manage to cope with the mortgage sphere.Lets remember the flourishing USA a smart middle class with a quite high annual income that can afford having a house, a car, and several children and to be in easy circumstances. With the great rate of unemployment people have no money even for food, to sa y nothing of a car, and rent. As time approaches to Christmas the situation becomes even to a greater extent unsporting and obvious. Even as millions of out-of-work and otherwise struggling Americans are tightening their belts for the holidays, the nations elite are lacing up their dancing shoes and partying like royalty as the millions and billions keep rolling in. (Herbert, 2010 p.1 ). By formula this the author wanted to show that the middle class has to refuse something in order to cherish the usage of gifts giving, while the rich of the country even are not ashamed of throwing parties and pretending to be more modest.The most offensive thing is that those in power and with money just ask the nation to stomach the tough times. So here we have the billionaire and the millionaire telling the poor and the struggling - the little people - that they testament just have to make do with less. (Herbert, 2010 p.1). It would be funny, if it wasnt the real life. The nation can do with out some things but it cannot do without the

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