Saturday, May 11, 2019

Open Markets, Closed Borders Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Open Markets, Closed Borders - Assignment ExampleI am of the opinion that if honorable disclosure of information by the commission is done, the public would appreciate the facts and figures as they happened and help them deal with closure. It is of the essence(p) to note and mention that the questions that the victims and families have regarding the sad events of 9/11 would be put to rest. This is to say that the victims, families and the conjunction as a whole would have closure on the issue, appreciating successes and failures accordingly.There exists as cooperative consanguinity between the DoD and homeland security where they engage in matters of complementarities (Wise, 2006). If there is a breach or any issue by the coastal line security and safety, then the homeland security would commence the response at the signal of the DoD force. In practice, it is the role and duty of the DOD to safeguard the territorial integrity and waters of the USA, if a soul is arrested tryin g to enter the country illegally, then the DOD personnel would handover such a person to Department of Homeland security for processing and charging such a person under relevant

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